Monday, March 8, 2010

How Valuable is Technology Training for Your Employees?

I think we could all agree that, in theory, specific job related technology training should increase productivity and result in better business performance.

Yet, so many business who are ready to invest in new hardware, are willing to consider upgrades and better software seem reluctant to spend on employee training. I wonder why.

One reason is that business owners/managers are frustrated because many employees just don't feel they can learn, this translates into thinking that they just don't want to learn. It is unfortunate. But there are things you can do about this.

Another reason is that the training is over the head of those seeking to learn. The material is filled with jargon, starts at too high a level, or is just badly presented. Again this can be corrected.

A third reason is that training is considered a onetime event. Did you learn to ride a bicyle the first time out? No it took a lot of practice just to get off the training wheels, and then much more to get very good. Training sessions that are not followed by practice will fail.

The reasons go on and on, an interesting article in published on, 11 Reasons Why Training & Development Fails...and What You Can Do About It .

In 2010 we must embrace training and development in a whole new way, both as employers and employees. It is the only way to accomplish innovation and productivity we need to recover from the last decade. There are ways to succeed in improving yourself, your management or your staff with effective training programs.
Here are Ten Employee Training Tips  you can use.

And remember this:

“An investment in education always pays the highest returns.”

—Ben Franklin

“What’s worse than training your workers and losing them? Not training them and keeping them.”

—Zig Ziglar, success speaker

One of the best ways I know is tailored technology training from firms like

How Valuable is Technology Training?

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