Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Contemplating Changes In Your Business?

As a business owner or manager you are no doubt contemplating changing the way you do business. You're wondering whether change is really necessary. I think the answer to that quesion is certainly yes for at least these three obvious reasons.

1. The economy of the United States, the entire world for that matter, has changed. we will never go back to the money traffic of the last decade.  That is not to say there are not plenty of opportunities for success and prosperity. In fact for many there will be greater opportunities than ever before.

2. We are now in what I call the post Web 2.0 era, a time of vast change. So rapid that, for many what was called Web 2.0 passed by without them ever knowing what it was. We are now in what some call the era of "Social Web",  "Network Culture" or "Mobile Web." Frankly, they have not really come up with a good name yet.  But what is happening as a result of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and their hundreds of offspring is nothing short of amazing. These mediums are taking business in directions we never conceived of before. It begins to be explained in this article, What's Next After Web 2.0? Here's What You Told Us... Also, the people  of Gen X,Y & Z are charting their own course, as a result the world of business has become a very different place. And don't forget Generation Alpha.

3. Like it or not Green is a necessity. There is no avoiding this. Well there is, but that alternative ismuch worse. Need I say more. Even if you don't believe in global warming, continuing as we have surely means the eventual deadly shortage of clean water, air, and other essential raw materials. Not to mention the loss of pristine beaches and exotic wildlife. Not a pretty picture.

I am sure all of you have many of your own reasons and agree that change is essential. So the question is how to respond to these drivers of change?

1. Read, listen or view, is the first step. There are so many great resources. Search on any topic on iTunes, YouTube or Amazon and a wealth of great advice will arrive in easy to consume formats. Look at blogs like Anita Campbell's smallbiztrends.com, Ramon Ray's smallbiztechnology.com, or http://www.sagespark.com/ to name a few, or check out Forbes list of best small business blogs here.

Turn off the news and plug in an iPod, Zune or other player. There is a world of free and easy information that will get you up to speed quickly. All you have to do is listen, read or watch.

2. One step at a time. Radical change rarely works out that well, unless you are in an extreme bankruptcy or turn-around situation.  Take one step at a time. Tap into your younger staff for ideas and contemporary approaches. 

3. Presenting and getting acceptance is a key to successful change. Peter Anthony Wynn writing for eHow has a great 3 step plan. It includes 1. Think it through BEFORE you announce it, 2. Vision first, Direction Second and 3. Clarity is Power. Read the whole article here How to Present change in Small Business in 3 Steps.

4. Get expert help.  Here is one for free. Steve Strauss of USA Today watch three videos below or call me Peter Conway at 212-997-5200 ext 4333.


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