You surely have heard or read about the huge phenomena called social media or social networking that has swept the web. Maybe not, in fact people still ask me today "What exactly is Social Media?"
Simply explained, Social Media are web sites that allow people, groups, and businesses to interact and engage. Key examples are,, and With these sites you create an account, login, post information about your self, group or business, find and connect with friends and associates, as well as share information. There is obviously much more to this but these are the very basics. People are sharing all kinds of information, photos, videos and links on virtually every imaginable topic.
Many business people I know have thoroughly embraced social media and found it to be very beneficial for their business. Many more are still wondering whether it applies to their business at all.
Once the domain of the younger set with Facebook, Myspace, and Friendster the demographics of people engaged in social media is getting older and older by the day. Social Media sites Facebook and Twitter are now prevalent in many aspects of our lives.
How are businesses using Social Media today?